7 Thoughts About Food You Should Banish for Good

by Charlotte Hilton Andersen


Where the mind leads, the body follows isn’t just a great Instagram caption; it’s the truth. Your thoughts can build you up or break you down, and nowhere is that more true than when it comes to food. In fact, some of your beliefs might be keeping you from reaching your weight loss goals, and even hurting you. (Psst…Check out these 7 Weird Things That Might Be Widening Your Waist.)

"The only way to get rid of a craving is to indulge it"

Your first instinct might be to just eat the treat already, but this might backfire. (Here’s What Your Food Cravings Mean.) Many processed junk foods are designed to get you to eat more and more, so indulging may set off an insatiable desire to keep eating. But you can use that same mental power to combat cravings by having other tools at the ready, according to a Carnegie Mellon University study. Researchers found that people who simply imagined eating a food, in great detail, had fewer cravings for it. Other options include drinking a big glass of water, taking a walk, or starting a different activity. Just changing your situation can curb cravings.

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