How to Cook a Week of Healthy Meals in No Time

by admin

Imagine if you could make all your meals for an entire week in just two hours. And, on top of that, imagine all those meals were both healthy and enjoyable (and cost less than what you usually spend).

That would be pretty awesome, right?

Well, you’re in luck. I’m going to drop a series of three lessons on you that will teach you how to do just that.

First, you’ll learn how to plan your healthy meals for the week so you can grocery shop efficiently and economically. In lesson two, you’ll learn how to cook without recipes (which makes the process a whole lot faster). And then finally, we’ll put it all together and teach you how to make all your meals for the week in a single two-hour session.

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Lesson 1

Learn how to shop like an executive chef to buy exactly the right amount of food for the healthy meals you plan to home cook. Let’s start with two important questions: what is a plate of food and how many plates are we going to shop for? Have some paper and a pen ready, because we’re going to make some simple charts to map this all out.

Lesson 2

In this lesson, you’ll unlock yourself from the “rules” of cooking. Learning to cook without recipes will free you up to move confidently and quickly, making meals like a pro. We’ll go over some basic, universal ingredients and a simple seasoning system that will allow you to make flavorful, healthy meals without complication and exactly to your liking.

Lesson 3

Now we’re going to bring all this knowledge together and make all our meals for the week in just two hours. We’re going to work through three essential steps — chop, sprinkle, and poke. Make sure you have a kitchen timer on hand because you’re going to do this all on the clock!

At first this process is likely to feel awkward, but with a little practice it will become routine. It’s a bit like learning to ride a bike, but in this scenario, you always get a hot meal in the end.

If you find yourself worrying about getting things “right” or wishing you had a recipe, stop for a moment and take a breath. Just focus on making food you enjoy and learning to enjoy the process. Having a closer relationship with your food and the preparation of your food is the basis for a healthier life.

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