Once you nail your exercise form and graduate to adding load to your bodyweight moves with dumbbells, kettlebells, or ba
Megan Falk
This Trainer-Approved Hack Will Teach You How to Position Your Feet During Hip Thrusts
When you’re first attempting to perform hip thrusts as a strength-training newcomer, you might have a rough idea of how
When you think of people tackling cardio workouts, the first image to come to mind might be of breathless athletes with
If you have a running list of vague fitness jargon (think: EMOM, WOD, HIIT, EPOC) and their definitions in your Notes ap
When you have “build a strong and powerful butt” written at the top of your list of fitness goals, tried-and-true glute
Along with family heirlooms and secret recipes, your family likely passes down some outlandish health hacks from generat
When you find an expired carton of half-and-half in the back of the fridge or an untouched tube of sunscreen in your bat
When you’re initially chatting with your doc about the best choice of birth control for you, they will likely run throug
At one point or another, you’ve likely used an app to log your daily steps, the calories you burned during an intense HI
To a fitness newbie, the workout world’s penchant for vague terminology can be incredibly confusing. Even the way a trai