Eating Pineapple During Pregnancy: Is This a Good Idea?

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For different people pregnancy means different things. However, there is at least one objective most people will probably agree on: during this time, you need to be extra careful about what you eat. A pregnant person needs to get all the necessary nutrients and vitamins for both themselves and their growing child.

Pregnancy can be a road full of discoveries, especially when it comes to thoroughly planning your diet. But with many new things to try and facts to learn, it could also bring some restrictions. Some of them are quite obvious (such as abstaining from alcohol); others, however, might seem a little controversial.

maternal mood

For example, many people have heard that eating a pineapple during pregnancy can cause miscarriage or an early labor. Although this piece of info doesn’t seem to qualify as a scientific fact, it could still make you worry.

Before deciding to abandon pineapples for 9 whole months, let’s ponder: does this fruit have some hidden secrets to unveil? Can you safely eat pineapple while pregnant? Let’s look at the facts and learn.

Can pineapple cause miscarriage?

If you spent some time on forums for pregnant women, the chances are you have probably seen this question being raised at least a couple of times. The myth says that consuming pineapple during early pregnancy can lead to such terrible results as miscarriage. Although no scientific evidence supports this idea, some connect this possible outcome to the bromelain.

Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapples. It is known for breaking down proteins in your body. Too much of this element can, indeed, lead to some unpleasant consequences like abnormal bleeding, but the chances of consuming it in amounts that big are actually very low.

Bromelain is usually found in the stem and juice of the notorious fruit, whereas there is very little of it in its flesh. Simply speaking, bromelain capsules and tablets (with high concentration of the enzyme) may not be the best choice, but one serving of pineapple won’t harm. It just doesn’t have that much bromelain to have a considerable impact on the health of a pregnant person.

If you’re still anxious – skip the fresh fruit in favor of canned. Due to the specifics of canning process most of the bromelain disappears from the fruit, which means your proteins will be safe.

Are there still risks?

Although consuming a bit of pineapple is highly unlikely to affect your pregnancy, eating too much of it can still lead to some not-so-pleasant consequences.

If you are allergic by nature, you might want to refrain from eating too much pineapple – in large amounts, this fruit can lead to some undesirable reactions, especially if your organism is sensitive enough as it is.

Also there’s a warning sign for people with sensitive stomachs – we all know this funny nipping feeling in the mouth that appears after eating too many pieces of pineapple at once. Not only bromelain – this fruit also has acids that cause that particular feeling. It can also lead to reflux or itching, if an excessive amount has been consumed.

Those effects aren’t pleasant for anyone, but pregnant people need to be extra cautious when it comes to potentially dangerous food. During this period, you should definitely skip on pineapple if you have ever been allergic to it, or restrain from eating it excessively if you have sensitive stomach.

Otherwise, having one serving of this fruit from time to time will be safe both for you and for your growing baby. Unless you plan on drinking a gallon of fresh pineapple juice while pregnant on early stages, you can treat yourself with some.

Why eat it?

ripe fruit

Besides many myths and potential dangers hidden in this yellow trickster, it can actually be a healthy addition to your regular diet. Yes, despite the earlier warnings, eating a bit of pineapple can actually be good for your pregnancy!

Including moderate portions of pineapple in your diet can provide your growing child with some important nutrients they need for growth and development. This fruit is high in vitamin C (crucial for the growth of bones and cartilages), and only one cup of it provides you with its daily amount.

Instead of eating it simple, may it be fresh or canned, try experimenting. Add a bit of a pineapple to a fruit salad or make a smoothie. Combine it with spicy food, sauces, or put in a sandwich.


If you only want to know the essentials, here is the short recap of the article: is pineapple safe during pregnancy? Yes, most of the time, it is.

Eating this fruit in moderation isn’t likely to cause a miscarriage or an early labor. You can enjoy normal servings of it from time to time, may it be a canned pineapple, a fresh one, or a glass of juice.

Although this fruit does have some potentially dangerous elements, the concentration of them in its flesh is too low to hurt you while you enjoy the fruit from time to time, in reasonable amounts.

However, if you still have some worries about adding or keeping this fruit in your diet in times of pregnancy, talk to your doctor about it and ask for more information on planning a thorough diet plan.

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