You’ve been working out regularly, and actually, it’s been going pretty great. You kept up your routine and your healthy
I think we can all agree that our feet and ankles take a beating throughout our lives. Not only do they have to support
Walking is a great form of physical activity – it is free, safe, and easy to do on a daily basis. Just as any other work
When we think about habits, we often think about bad habits — things like biting fingernails, or the five-year-old who s
The exercise I’m teaching you today is known as “sitting floor.” This exercise strengthens the muscles of your back that
No doubt, most of you want to enjoy a lifestyle that can help you maintain good health and a fit body. At the same time,
“When is Halloween?” – This month? So soon?! If the end of the beautiful fall season has snuck up on you like a creepy c
Many people think that aqua jogging is only useful for injured runners. Even more sportsmen consider it a humiliating ac
NOTE: The practices we share we with you are simply an example of the many ways that WLC game players can accomplish the
Those dream jeans finally fit, and all your friends are complimenting you on your “weight loss,” so, why isn’t the numbe